Sunday, November 3, 2013

How I learn

Throughout my years at CSI Highschool we have always looked at the different way students learn the best. Their are many different kinds of learning that work best for different people. I remember completing in class surveys to see what type of learner I am. I am a kinesthetic learner and my second one is intrapersonal learner. 
I learn best with hands on projects and putting the missing pieces together rather than reading and writing down information. It's easier for me to learn by self teaching myself to create something or fix something using my hands to put things together. I believe I developed this by being a helper to my dad in the garage and fixing things in the house. I like this way of learning because it becomes more naturally to me than the other kinds of learners. I would rather move around the room to do things and learn at different teaching stations instead of just sitting for a full period straight listening to teachers. I tend to zone out easily and I force myself to stay paying attention in class. If more moving and creating things was involved than i would enjoy school and it would come more easy to me. 
The second kind of learning that best fits me is intrapersonal learner. I do well alone with my own thoughts and mind. I would rather complete my school work alone in a room and id rather get my work done in class without grouping with people. I just tend to look at things in different ways when I am alone with my thoughts and I feel more comfortable when my thoughts stay with me in my mind instead of telling others. Some things people just wouldn't understand by explanation so it's sometimes hard to share my opinions when i would rather just learn and think by myself. I self motivate myself to get things done and I keep my personal goals in my head so I know what I have to get done. Group work isn't something I completely dislike I just prefer to not have so much group work in classes and just work independently to complete tasks. 

1 comment:

  1. That's great Amanda. I'm glad you know how you learn best and I'm glad also that this class, by having you work alone, will cater to how you learn best to some extent.
