Sunday, November 17, 2013

What confuses/ puzzle me

One thing that has always confused me over the years is bullying. I believe this is a very big social issue that is not necessary to be so heard about and experienced. Im raised that if you don't have something nice to say than keep it to yourself. Not saying that i'm always kind but i know to not nag on someone making them feel less about themselves. I know to not gain up on someone and make them feel upset about the person they are. 
In today's society the ones that are different are looked down upon. This is why we have many people that change themselves so they will be accepted and cared for. If it's one thing I learned it is that it is much better to be yourself and happy than turn into someone else. This is why people should not bully each other. Being unique and different is running scarce due to the hateful words of other people. No matter what their will always be someone that isn't satisfied with you. By being yourself you find the right friends and life supporters by turning into someone else in time you will realize that the people you are surrounded by are phony and their characteristics will not match your true self. This is what i would tell people that have been bullied or are currently being bullied. I know that I am doing good when i compliment people, even putting the smallest grin on someone can make a difference to them since you do not know what a person can be dealing with , whether it is being bullied at home , in school, or online. So many suicides have been because of bullying i do believe that a person is selfish to take their own life and leave their loved ones heartbroken because it will get better. Maybe not by next week or in a month but eventually the bullying will stop and people should grow and become strong with showing bullies that they did not win the ongoing battle. Another thing that puzzles me is how greatly the social media can damage people. Not even by someone attacking another with words because that does occur and hurt people but by showing trends. Online when some people see whats popular and what is seen as pretty and ugly is that can develop self hatred of not being good enough or important in society. 
I've been bullied before and I have bullied but than realized how wrong it is to make someone feel bad. individuals should leave each other alone. Not everyone is going to love what you do or how you act so if you do not like what someone is doing than you should not make them feel bad and let them be happy by being themselves. Im confused at how people can be so cruel and insecure to put other people down just to feel better about themselves. I'm curious to learn what other ways people get bullied and how far people go out of their way to cause it. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

last weeks : what i want to learn about

I am curious to learn about obseity throughout the world. This has always been an issue worldwide and I want to learn more about what causes it. Learning about different peoples views will help me think more and might be beneficial for a future research paper. I want to learn different foods and excercises that are just good to have and use ingeneral with out obesity. Im interested into learning about the trends of other countries and the game plans of attack from people with obesity trying to conquer it.  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

At first I thought that this class was going to be a waste of my time but now I'm beginning to feel more interested in it as the days go on. So far i am learning how to be an affective blogger with making new posts. I never knew what a wikispaces was but now I know that it's a very useful to post information. I am interested in researching the topics of my liking from SIRS.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

How I learn

Throughout my years at CSI Highschool we have always looked at the different way students learn the best. Their are many different kinds of learning that work best for different people. I remember completing in class surveys to see what type of learner I am. I am a kinesthetic learner and my second one is intrapersonal learner. 
I learn best with hands on projects and putting the missing pieces together rather than reading and writing down information. It's easier for me to learn by self teaching myself to create something or fix something using my hands to put things together. I believe I developed this by being a helper to my dad in the garage and fixing things in the house. I like this way of learning because it becomes more naturally to me than the other kinds of learners. I would rather move around the room to do things and learn at different teaching stations instead of just sitting for a full period straight listening to teachers. I tend to zone out easily and I force myself to stay paying attention in class. If more moving and creating things was involved than i would enjoy school and it would come more easy to me. 
The second kind of learning that best fits me is intrapersonal learner. I do well alone with my own thoughts and mind. I would rather complete my school work alone in a room and id rather get my work done in class without grouping with people. I just tend to look at things in different ways when I am alone with my thoughts and I feel more comfortable when my thoughts stay with me in my mind instead of telling others. Some things people just wouldn't understand by explanation so it's sometimes hard to share my opinions when i would rather just learn and think by myself. I self motivate myself to get things done and I keep my personal goals in my head so I know what I have to get done. Group work isn't something I completely dislike I just prefer to not have so much group work in classes and just work independently to complete tasks. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

        In talking about research papers and becoming college ready I can recall that the last research paper I did was in English class last year. The research paper was after we read The Great Gatsby and analyzed getting a full understanding of the book. In the research paper we had to pick a theme on different topics going on during the 1920's for example prohibition. I decided to choose The American Dream and in picking this I found articles on a database website and compared it to the book connecting the articles to the book as well as having a description on the text. It was a long ongoing process but I did learn and think more when completing this essay. 
          I felt that this was actually hard to complete. It took a lot of thought and connecting it in a way that always relates right back to the theme. For example my theme was " The American Dream is corrupt when immoral actions are shown to fulfill the dream". Not all of the articles I selected talked about corruption so I had to use the text to prove in different ways how it may be corrupted. Plus you must connect it back to significant parts of the book. By doing this we used quotes but sometimes it was hard to choose what quote connected the best with the specific articles and details. 
Even though I felt that it was a burden that felt dragged out it helped my writing skills improve. I became a better analyzer and expanded my explanations thoroughly. When doing a research paper you learn more details about a specific theme which brings new thoughts and ideas to the table making it interesting. Even though the process was difficult and it took time to complete a lot of information is received. I am interested in writing a research paper on the topic of my choice and not connecting it to a book.