Tuesday, October 22, 2013

        In talking about research papers and becoming college ready I can recall that the last research paper I did was in English class last year. The research paper was after we read The Great Gatsby and analyzed getting a full understanding of the book. In the research paper we had to pick a theme on different topics going on during the 1920's for example prohibition. I decided to choose The American Dream and in picking this I found articles on a database website and compared it to the book connecting the articles to the book as well as having a description on the text. It was a long ongoing process but I did learn and think more when completing this essay. 
          I felt that this was actually hard to complete. It took a lot of thought and connecting it in a way that always relates right back to the theme. For example my theme was " The American Dream is corrupt when immoral actions are shown to fulfill the dream". Not all of the articles I selected talked about corruption so I had to use the text to prove in different ways how it may be corrupted. Plus you must connect it back to significant parts of the book. By doing this we used quotes but sometimes it was hard to choose what quote connected the best with the specific articles and details. 
Even though I felt that it was a burden that felt dragged out it helped my writing skills improve. I became a better analyzer and expanded my explanations thoroughly. When doing a research paper you learn more details about a specific theme which brings new thoughts and ideas to the table making it interesting. Even though the process was difficult and it took time to complete a lot of information is received. I am interested in writing a research paper on the topic of my choice and not connecting it to a book.